WorldWind Ringrotor 370 degrees rotation
Mecca Industries has researched and developed round rotator that allows for true 370' rotation, on the mid-point of tower. The Ring Rotator easily assembles on both stationary and crank up tower, not only for WorldWind but also for other brands.
Feature :
œ Around the tower mounting
œ Touch Screen Digital Controller
œ Simple Assembly
œ Controllable Speed (Auto & Manual Type)
œ Bolt Joints Frame
œ Inverter Movement
œ Smooth Start & Stop Movement
œ Controller : 220V AC
œ Three Phase Motor
œ Inside Diameter : 643mm
œ True 370' Rotation
œ Finishing : Zn Galvanized
Description about Digital Controller of Ring Rotator :
- Help to install antenna, not on the top of tower but on the middle point of it
- Attachment holder makes easy to install antenna to any type of tower (ex. Available on the monopole tower)
- Several antenna can be installed on one tower
- Help to guide the direction of antenna
- Speed of rotating is controllable by touching the screen, even it is on operated
Ring Rotator L : width 780mm / M : width 530mm