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Product Description:

COBWEB HF,1/2 våg, 6-band,6,10,12,15,17,20M 300 W

This six-band 6, (20, 17, 15, 12, 10 Meters) half-wave Cobweb Antenna is perfect for restricted space or portable operation. Sky-gray fiberglass spreaders and nearly invisible wire elements (flat 9x9x1/2 feet square. 8 pounds), blend in with your surroundings while standing tough against nasty weather. 

Horizontally polarized for less local noise pickup plus solid gain over verticals will allow you to work DX easily -- even on QRP. Radiation pattern is nearly omni-directional so you don’t need a rotator. No radials needed! Low SWR is due to MFJ’s exclusive Spider-MatchTM broadband network. Use lightweight TV hardware to mount it on your chimney, balcony, fence post or other. SO-239.

Item ID:

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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