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Array Solution Antennivaihtokytkimet

Ota meihin yhteyttä hinta ja toimitus
Tuote muistutus

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Tuote Kuvaus:


8 antennas can switch between 2 radios to cover more bands and antennas.


Muliple Eight Paks can be controlled from a single control point


High isolation between all ports means safe reliable operation without risk to radio front ends.


Single 4-wire control cable, makes wiring easy and economical.


Multiple EightPaks can use the same control cable simplifying wiring of large installations.

Can be used with the manual controller or via RS-232 or USB interface. Includes an application to allow full-confi guration of multiple switches and antenna selection assignments.


Mechanical and electronic lockouts so two radios will never be connected together.


RFI tight full metal enclosure, no plastic or cheap materials.


3kW at 3:1 VSWR.


Micro Strip traces, low VSWR to 55 MHz.


All unused inputs are grounded.


Lightning protection at both ends of the control cable, and spark gaps as an added level of protection.


Weather proof relay box


Tuottaja: Wikinggruppen

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